
Aliso Viejo

For Academy 5 & 6 swimmers!


The good news is, you do not need to be currently enrolled to register for a Clinic here at PSA – just a strong swimmer.

What are PSA Clinics?

PSA monthly clinics are a 45 minute class to help our higher level swimmers who are looking to refine a particular stroke or skill. Clinics are the perfect way to fast track your progress so you can reach your swimming goal quicker.  All clinics have one skill which will be recorded and sent to the swimmer with a breakdown of things they can work on after completing the clinic. 

We believe consistency is one of the best things for your swimmer. Learning how to swim isn’t just a one time thing. Rather, a skill you fine tune year-round so the summer is full of fun and swimming, not re-learning the skills from last summer. Plus, we want to see you on the deck as often as we can!

The video to the right explains our Premier Swim Academy’s passion behind consistency – check it out!


Who do they benefit?

  • Our monthly clinics benefit our higher-level swimmers who are looking to improve higher level techniques. At minimum, those swimmers must have completed Academy 4 through PSA, or be swimmers outside of PSA that can comfortably swim 25 yards of both freestyle and backstroke in a 7ft deep pool.

  • Clinics are perfect for those who are looking to be on a swim team or those who are working towards mastery!

How often?

Once a month, on a Saturday – $20 per class.

Sign Up for a Clinic Today!